Eu4 extended timeline 1.23
Eu4 extended timeline 1.23

In fact, according to this dev diary its one of the things they are focusing on for the next patch. It has been that way for quite a while now. Over 500 new countries, each with historical territories and rulers. firesoul and stefan. The AI in the current patch of vanilla EU4 is utterly atrocious at naval landings. Play at any period of time between the years 2-9999 and be amazed by the detail in the recreated pre-EUIV world, as well as the present time, fulfill your journey far into the future with new techs, buildings and governments.' Features. New World Colony Names mod for new world colony names Extended Vanilla Experience mod for some national ideas Serenissima Italia mod for some national ideas Veritas et Fortitudo mod for some national ideas Septimentus, Tyalas, Leiche, Reloader and generalLeang for the German translation This version is not meant for continuing old saves and most likely will not be compatible with them. This version is meant for those who, for one reason or another, can not play with the 1.29 patch.

eu4 extended timeline 1.23 eu4 extended timeline 1.23

Ambox outdated info.png, Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. Despite being compatible with the 1.28 patch, this version contains all the content of Extended Timeline 1.10 and most of the content of the base game's 1.29 patch. At least some were last verified for version 1.23. Fatal errors occur when the game cannot load a vital piece of data and cannot operate without it present. This is a special version of the Extended Timeline mod, designed to be compatible with the 1.28 version of EU4. 1 Overview 2 Testing 3 Loading 4 Log files 5 Debugging 6 Crashes 7 Profiling Overview edit edit source In general there are two kinds of errors: fatal and non-fatal.

Eu4 extended timeline 1.23